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Testimonials from women learning to dance when taught through Shemiran Ibrahim's Belly Dancing from the Heart Method ~

These could be your student’s testimonials too!

"Shemiran is a rare teacher who brings so much more than being a beautiful dancer to her teaching. She is approachable and creates a great sense of joy and uniting of the feminine spirit. She moves beyond just the physicality of the dance and sees its positive, powerful energy. Her website is amazing too, a great resource on belly dance, health and celebrating womanhood. Shemiran is a treasure".

Siobhan J.

"Shemiran's classes are a sanctuary from the hussle and bustle of the week. She has a very grounded feminine approach to the dance and a wealth of experience. Shemiran breaks down belly dance moves into families and their related music for easy consumption. This means the novices master music interpretation before they know what it is to fear!"

Nicole S.

"As a person that has never before taken any type dance class, I have found Shemirans classes a total joy to attend. Shemiran has developed techniques in her teaching that break down all movements into simple, applicable theory. Being able to visualise each motion clearly in the mind before attempting it, ensures the learner greater success. This in turn creates a growing confidence and greater pleasure in each class. Shemirans class not only involves movement of the body. It is a gathering of women. A spiritual gathering of all different women whom for one whole hour, can reconnect with themselves and feel beautiful and sensual whilst having lots of fun and laughter".

Kim Z.

"Thank you so are an inspiration to femininity and dance.

Anastasia M.

"Shemiran has a unique teaching style, which develops an ability to improvise rather than dance set choreography. In spite of studying many styles of dance over many years, I've always been afraid of improvisation. Shemiran's method has not only overcome my fear, it is surprisingly effective even with inexperienced students.

Sandra B.

"Very musical teacher with good technical knowledge. Clearly presented and explained. Good support material and background knowledge".

Dorothy Maracic

"I really like how the class is taught. Focus on technique, good easy pace, and interpretation of music. A good escape from the mundaneness of the working week!"

Student requested to stay anonymous

"Shemiran can inspire a woman to want to know more about the dance and the culture .... Her classes are fun and it is easy to make time to attend."

Ms B Ochi

"Our teacher is an excellent instructor who teaches dance in a clear easily understood way, and also gives us an insight into the culture from which it comes from and that belly dance really is about empowerment for women."

Beth S. 

"I love the way Shemiran honours us all as women, the traditional values that she teaches, her wonderful joy in sharing this with us, the spiritual way she approaches belly dancing - she is an inspiration and has helped me to embrace my body - all of it!"

Christina Norton

"Her teaching style is very organic & she teaches you to appreciate the music and what it is telling you to feel & move".

Kate F

"I always have fun and feel good about myself during and after classes. It makes me feel more happy in my body. Shemiran rocks too".

Amelia K.

"Great fun at the classes, the material is really interesting and Shemiran is an inspiration in relation to empowerment".

Melissa G.

"It's always a fun class and I look forward to it every week. Material is very well taught - very thorough".

Student requested to stay anonymous

"She breaks down the moves for us clumsy folk and also focuses on the 3 little girls in her class one of which is my daughter. She is encouraging to all of us and explains the movement and how is should look and feel. Shemiran also explains the cultural history of the move and the dance itself."


"Shemiran's teaching style is enthusiastic and fun. She encourages individuality of dance style in her students while emphasizing the importance of a thorough grounding in classical movements. She believes that belly dancing releases the "fire in the belly" that many women have been taught to suppress. In addition to dance classes, she organises workshops and retreats designed to assist women to rediscover their feminine beauty. Her classes have enriched my life and added spice to my Saturday mornings".

Jenny S.

"Communication plus. Excellent conveyance of cultural background. Able to adapt movement and music to varied class levels. This is the first teacher I've had who has been able to help convey passion and feeling about the music through movement rather than just 'getting through the moves."

Christine Anderson

"Shemiran is very supportive and helps each of us in the class express our inner beauty. She explains the history of the steps so we have a context for how/why each movement was developed. This really helps me understand the dance steps. I particularly like Shemiran's free-form style of teaching because, rather than just being choreographed, it allows me to use belly dancing as a wonderful expression of my femaleness. Belly dancing with Shemiran has helped my confidence, my posture and also my breathing."

Vicki C

"She is a brilliant teacher. She teaches you not only technique but how to express femininity and emotion through dance. Shemiran is an inspiration to all women."

Linda D

"Her technical expertise as well as her encouragement of improvisational ability in students are excellent."

Chris Roach

"Shemiran is committed to ensure her students enjoy every class. She is wonderful and inspiring. We all love her; I am on a high for days after Shemiran's class. She's wonderful."

Tina McDonald

"Shemiran is inspiring! Her classes make a difference to my life."

Isabelle Fry


Industry Leaders' Testimonials for Belly Dancing from the Heart Method Teacher Training Program

"Shemiran has produced a great resource for belly dancers wishing to teach with her study pack. Her personable approach and well presented lessons on two DVDs, plus printable notes provide a solid framework for the bellydance instructor..."

Keti Sharif;
Founder of the A-Z Method & The Sphinx Festival Egypt

Keti Pic.jpg

"To teach our Dance, a dance of the people, and transport it to the people in the best way that we know how, from “ the heart “ , is the pulse point of this Belly Dance Teacher Training. Shemiran takes us through her experiences, just like a mother does to a child, and shows the viewer a shared insight through teaching her own class. Very highly recommend!

Amera Eid;
Australian Belly Dance Legend ~ Founder of Amera's Palace Sydney


"Shemiran Ibrahim's 'How to Teach Belly Dance, Belly Dancing from the Heart Method' Teacher Training Course is a very complete and comprehensive production, well thought out and presented, to be used as a companion to the attended course or as a correspondence course”.

Leonie Sukan;
Founder & Director Sydney Middle Eastern Dance Festival and Newtown MED Centre


"For anyone thinking of taking up belly dance teaching or someone who has been teaching but without a set plan, then this package is invaluable...

I found the whole

package impressive and only wish it had been around when I started teaching."

Editor, Belly Dance Oasis Magazine Australia

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